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Dice Theory #1

Sometimes, you just don’t have enough time in the day to build, paint and set up some epic games of Warhammer 40K. So we’ve created DICE THEORY, an intellectual game of Warhammer that uses all the rules but has some absurd battles. So what’s first off? A Tyranid Hormagaunt Horde versus a poorly defended Imperial Guard Outpost.

The Layout

The game Table Size was 72″X 48″, and we set up the guard in 4 lots of 10-man teams, with 2 behind sandbag walls and 2 on the wall of the outpost. The guard also had 4 heavy bolter nests on the wall. The distance from the Tyranid starting point meant that the guard had 3 turns before the possibility of the Hormagaunts making physical contact. It also meant that the guardsman wasn’t in reach for the first turn, and just the heavy bolters were in range.



Let the Slaughter begin.

Turns 1-3 went as you would expect, with masses of Hormagaunts being slaughtered by bolter and las-fire. In fact, a little of half of the Gaunts were wiped out in these turns. The Gaunts quickly fell on the first guardsmen behind the sandbags and wiped them out with ease.

After yet more Gaunts were blasted from the face of the planet by the bolters, there was a mad dash up the ramp to the rest of the guard. With the Bolters now out of play due to their arc of fire, it was down to the last of the guard.

With Rapid Fire now in play, the guardsmen shredded a heap of Gaunts, but shortly after, one of the squads was wiped out. It really came down to the wire, and the last squad of Guardsman finished off the grunts before they could get into combat.

Only 4 Guardsmen remained at the outpost, dreading the next wave!

Imperial Guard for the win!

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